Below, you'll find some quotes and links from The Week That Was:
1. "I hate that Radiohead didn’t break up after OK Computer. Had that happened, I guarantee that OK would have shot up the totem pole of legendary records. I consider it to be one of the many travesties in rock history, alongside the death of John Bonham and the existence of Hall and Oats [sic]. And Kid A, the album to follow OK Computer, is also on that list of travesties. Look, I’m not going to bash Radiohead in the same snobby manner as others; they once were and still have the capacity to be an amazing band. But Kid A is where the buck stops." - K.A. Coldwell, writing in this piece, on the blog entitled Tipping the Lion, on March 6, 2010. Really? Coldwell would do away with not just Kid A, but also Amnesiac, Hail to the Thief, and In Rainbows? This seems rather extreme, don't you think? Coldwell must have really hated Kid A. Really hated it. It's not for everyone, but I wouldn't erase it from existence, either.
2. Picky Girl, author of the blog, Picky Girl: Discussions of food, film, and fiction (and everything in between), finally gets around to reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. Says she: "I loved the characters. I wanted them to be happy. I hurt when they hurt. That being said, I was very conscious that I was reading this book. I wasn’t wrapped up in it. There were times when Chabon lost me. There were moments when I swore if I read another sentence as long and convoluted as the last that I would put down the book and mark it off my list as “I sure gave it my best…” Chabon likes his sentences. They’re pretty, and he knows it. I wish he weren’t so darn conscious of that fact," - The Picky Girl, writing in this piece, on the blog entitled The Picky Girl, on March 7, 2010.
3. Chris over at The Invincible Super Blog has a post entitled, "Wake Up and Smell the '90s." How could I not link to that? A caveat: It's about Wolverine.
4. Ryan V. at Distorted Veracity is a self described "voracious reader," and this week, he walks us through the latest tomes he's read and enjoyed. He appears to dig non-fiction.
Coppola Watch: The Godfather (1972)
15 hours ago
1 comment:
Wow -- I made it to an entry on Chronological Snobbery. I shall now cease all blogging, as I have reached the pinnacle of internet success.
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