Let us sink into its depths again, forevermore. "Sea and sky . . . . and who are we to determine where the one shall cease and the other begin?." - horus kemwer, "Sea and Sky," Against the Modern World, 9/24/07. Who are we? We are those who rose from the sea and mastered the sky. We are those who will sink back into the oceans upon the return of the destructor. We are those whose fate is the ether. We are the only ones who can say where the one shall cease and the other begin, because we are the only ones who can say anything. So far.
Solitude: "What would you do if there were no witnesses--no parents, no friends, no lovers, no bosses, no teachers, no audience of any kind except for yourself?" - T.S.T., "What Are You Like When No One Else is Looking?", Digest, 9/27/07. Is this so uncommon a situation that one must force one's self to think of what one would do under the circumstances?
Coppola Watch: The Godfather (1972)
15 hours ago
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